
Blog(Page 4)

Although most people get stressed occasionally, prolonged stress can harm your physical well-being. Many people don’t realize how much stress can impact their current and long-term health. The experienced team at Thriving Center of Psychology can offer various services to help you learn how to control your stress and prevent it from hurting your physical […]

Good communication is necessary for preserving a fulfilling, happy relationship. The professionals at Thriving Center of Psychology are experienced in working with couples in improving their communication and enhancing their partnership. Their therapy services help individuals and couples meet their unique needs. Difficulties in Couple Communication A relationship consists of two people who think and […]

Life is much more enjoyable and meaningful when you have self-confidence and a positive self-image. Nevertheless, many social and situational influences can prevent you from appreciating your true self-worth. At Thriving Mind Psychology, the caring specialists provide several treatment options that can help you restore your self-confidence and pursue all that life has to offer. […]

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common anxiety disorder that afflicts millions of Americans. The American Psychiatric Association reports that more than two million people get an OCD diagnosis each year. A person with OCD often has obsessions (thoughts) and compulsions (behaviors) that take over and disturb most aspects of their life. Whether it’s excessive […]

If you think you might have adult ADHD, you’re not alone. Experts estimate that 10 million U.S. adults have it. While many children with ADHD get a diagnosis and proper treatment, many grow into adulthood without knowing they suffer from this condition. Untreated ADHD can impact virtually every part of your life. It can affect […]

Anxiety can disrupt work, relationships, and lifestyles. It’s one of the most prevalent mental health problems in the U.S. Anxiety has many causes, such as demanding workloads, trauma, and constant social media presence. When anxiety becomes too overwhelming, it can seem necessary to self-medicate with drugs, alcohol, or even doctor-prescribed medications. Dr. Alexander Alvarado, Dr. […]

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been long-lasting. One outcome has been the need for medical providers to postpone elective procedures and substitute office appointments with video chat. Although these changes were significant adjustments for patients and the medical community, they did much to reduce the spread of coronavirus. The slowdown of COVID-19 cases […]

Your partner wanting, and making, a decision to have a fulfilling experience, whether it be with friends after work or a jog alone, is not a rejection of you—unless it is. When we get into relationships there is a tendency to assume that because you chose each other as life partners that all your needs […]

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