Thriving Center of Psychology

ServicesSleep Problems

Sleep Problems

Sleep Problems

About 40% of American adults experience occasional or frequent sleep problems. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, the qualified specialists at Thriving Center of Psychology in Midtown, New York, NY, SoHo, NY, Los Angeles, CA, and Miami, FL, can help. Restore your sleep and get the rest you need by calling the offices or going online today to schedule an evaluation.

Sleep Problems Q & A

Why is sleep important? 

Quality of sleep matters just as much as quantity. Proper sleep allows your body to go through the necessary sleep cycles, such as rapid eye movement (REM), to reset for the next day. During this nightly “recharge,” your brain instructs the body to repair cellular and tissue damage, create hormones, and form new learning and memory pathways. In addition, good sleep is essential for:

  • Paying attention and maintaining focus
  • Balancing moods
  • Boosting creativity
  • Enhancing problem-solving skills
  • Stabilizing blood sugar

Sleep is vital to physical, emotional, and mental development, too, more so for children and teens. 

What causes sleep problems?

Many factors contribute to diminished sleep quality. Sometimes, there can be more than one cause. If you have sleep difficulties, they might be due to:

  • Brain or nervous system problems
  • Cardiovascular condition
  • Depression
  • Jet lag
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Snoring
  • Substance abuse
  • Sleep disorder, like insomnia or sleep apnea

Regardless of the origins of your sleep problems or how minor or infrequent they are, the team at Thriving Center of Psychology can help you reclaim your nightly rest. 

How are sleep problems treated?

The underlying cause(s) will often determine the treatment, which your dedicated provider at Thriving Center of Psychology will help you identify and understand. You’ll both discuss your symptoms, lifestyle, and health history to develop a sleep disorder treatment that’s right for you. 

Depending on your specific sleep problems, your treatment plan can include one or more of the following:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)
  • Dietary changes, such as limiting caffeine and alcohol
  • Neurofeedback (electroencephalographic or EEG biofeedback)
  • Increased exercise or physical activity
  • Setting a sleep schedule
  • Avoiding screens at bedtime

With your dedicated therapist or psychologist at Thriving Center of Psychology, you’ll adopt the necessary lifestyle changes, improve your sleep quality, and boost your overall health over time. Your provider might prescribe one or more medications if you need them but only as a last resort. 

Sleep problems aren’t a “normal” part of life, and they don’t have to prevent you from getting the rest you need. To learn more about treatment for sleep problems, call Thriving Center of Psychology or go online to book your evaluation. You can schedule an in-person or online video appointment.

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