Thriving Center of Psychology

ServicesWork Stress

Work Stress

Work Stress

Work can be meaningful and rewarding for some individuals, but it can become stressful and overwhelming for others. Untreated work stress can result in physical complications, burnout, and depression. It can also adversely impact your personal life. The team at Thriving Center of Psychology understands the impact of work stress. You don’t have to put up with work stress alone. Contact the offices in Midtown, New York, NY, SoHo, NY, Los Angeles, CA, and Miami, FL, to learn how to manage your work stress.

Work Stress Q & A

What is work stress?

Relationships with co-workers and supervisors, deadline pressures, and performance evaluations can bring average amounts of stress to most working adults. However, if workplace stress turns into prolonged worry or anxiety, your overall health and personal relationships can suffer. 

Work stress has specific triggers, such as job insecurity, being unfairly treated, or experiencing excess burdens on your workload. These triggers can cause one or more stress responses in your body, such as increased blood pressure and cortisol spikes. Also, with work stress, you might reduce how often you exercise or not eat as healthy as you normally would. 

Excessive work stress and burnout can gradually lead to more severe health problems. 

When should I seek professional help for work stress? 

If you feel like work stress is interfering with your normal functioning and quality of life, the experienced professionals at Thriving Center of Psychology can help. You can benefit from mental health care if you have any of the following physical symptoms:

  • Concentration difficulties
  • Fatigue
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Headaches

Work stress that persists for weeks or months can lead to burnout. This condition comes with physical and emotional fatigue as well as progressively negative feelings toward life, yourself, and others. 

Depression often results from burnout, both of which can increase your risk of hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and heart attack. 

How is work stress treated?

A qualified therapist or psychologist at Thriving Center of Psychology can work with you to manage your job-related stress. Your provider uses various therapeutic methods to tackle your individual needs. Your treatment plan may include:

  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)
  • Neurofeedback (electroencephalographic or EEG biofeedback)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Group therapy

You might also participate in couples therapy to cope with work stress as it affects your personal life and relationship.

Begin today to manage your work stress and keep it from affecting other aspects of your life. Call Thriving Center of Psychology or go to the website today to schedule an in-person or online video consultation.

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