Thriving Center of Psychology



Anxiety disorders comprise the most common type of mental health condition in the United States, affecting about 40 million U.S. adults. If anxiety seems to impact your physical health, relationships, and work functioning, contact Thriving Center of Psychology in Midtown, New York, NY, SoHo, NY, Los Angeles, CA, and Miami, FL to get the care you need. You can schedule an appointment by calling the offices or going to the website.

Anxiety Q & A

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Occasional stints of anxiety are a normal part of life, especially if you’re anticipating a significant life event, such as getting married or making a career change. But if anxiety regularly interferes with your physical and mental well-being, you shouldn’t treat it as “normal.”

Anxiety disorder might be an issue if you:

  • Have memory issues or difficulty concentrating
  • Are easily fatigued
  • Have poor quality sleep and restless nights
  • Often feel restless or on edge

Generalized anxiety disorder makes it difficult to control your feelings, leading to excessive stress and worry over situations. In more severe cases, anxiety can result in panic disorder or phobias, often causing tremors and heart palpitations when you come up against specific triggers. 

When should I get help for anxiety?

It’s generally too difficult to manage anxiety on your own, and you shouldn’t have to, even if your symptoms seem minor or infrequent. The experienced professionals at Thriving Center of Psychology help clients with minor to complex cases of anxiety. 

The expert psychology team encourages you to come in for an evaluation if your anxiety:

  • Causes shaking, sweating, pounding heartbeat, or other physiological problems
  • Leads you to avoid enjoyable activities
  • Negatively affects your relationships
  • Compels you to miss work or shy away from social gatherings

Once you contact Thriving Center of Psychology, your practitioner will work with you to uncover the root of your anxiety and put together a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs.

Is there an effective treatment for anxiety?

Yes, several treatment options exist. Thriving Center of Psychology offers the latest in anxiety management methods tailored for your situation and symptoms. Your psychologist or therapist may recommend:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Couples therapy
  • Neurofeedback (electroencephalographic or EEG biofeedback)
  • Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET)
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)

With the help of your caring provider at Thriving Center of Psychology, you can understand the nature of your anxiety, cope with and reduce the symptoms, and restore your quality of life. 

Schedule your anxiety assessment at Thriving Center of Psychology today. You can call to talk with a team member or use the online scheduler. You can book an in-person or video TeleTherapy appointment.

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